DATE Use the and buttons to change the NEWER THAN and OLDER THAN dates forwards or backwards by one day. Use the and buttons to change the date range to the oldest or most recent day with photos. Use the slider to only show photos from the selected day.
SHOW PHOTOS IN MAP Toggle the map photos layer on or off. Also accessible in the map legend.
ALWAYS HIGHLIGHT CURRENT PHOTO IN MAP When on, the photo currently displayed in the photos panel image viewer will be highlighted in the map with an orange border.
ONLY SHOW CURRENT PHOTO IN MAP When on, all map photos except the photo currently displayed in the photos panel image viewer will be hidden.
SHOW CALIBRATION IMAGES When on, images from the camera calibration process will be shown.
SHOW WEED DETECTOR IMAGES When on, images from the weed detection process will be shown.
SHOW SOIL HEIGHT IMAGES When on, images from the measure soil height process will be shown.
RESET FILTERS Click to reset all filters to their default value.

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