The FarmBot web app is a web-based application that allows you to control and configure your FarmBot from any desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Because the app is web-based, you will never need to install it, and every time you load the app, you will have the latest features and security updates. The core features include the:

:seedling: Farm designer for drag and drop designing of your garden layout

:calendar: Event scheduler for telling FarmBot when to water the garden and perform other operations

:page_facing_up: Sequence editor allowing you to program how FarmBot operates without writing any code

:registered: Regimen editor for scheduling sequences based on plant age

:video_game: Controls for moving FarmBot in real-time and operating its peripherals and sensors

:wrench: Management of FarmBot’s tools and seed containers

:electric_plug: Management and control of farmware, FarmBot’s 3rd-party plugin system

:1234: Management of FarmBot’s settings

:pager: Storage and viewing of logs and sensor readings

Demo the app

If you’re thinking about getting a FarmBot but want to try the app first, you can use our demo account feature. Simply go to and click DEMO THE APP at the bottom of the screen. The demo can be tried on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and phones.

Not all features of the app will work in demo mode because there will not be a real FarmBot connected to the account. Additionally, keep in mind that demo accounts and their data are automatically deleted after 1 hour.

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