The WEBCAM FEEDS widget allows you to monitor your FarmBot from a distance with the use of an external camera system such as a Nest brand home security camera. Using a single camera, you could monitor the entire FarmBot bed while controlling it remotely, or, you could set up multiple webcams at different angles for viewing plants, etc.

Adding a webcam feed

To add a webcam feed, press EDIT, and then the button. Provide a Label and a publicly accessible URL (with http://) or IP address for your webcam stream.

Multiple webcam feeds can be added by pressing for each new camera.

When finished editing, press SAVE.

Viewing webcam feeds

The webcam widget will display one webcam feed at a time. If you have added multiple webcam feeds, you can cycle through them using the PREV and NEXT buttons on the left and right sides of the widget.

Deleting webcam feeds

To delete a webcam feed, press edit and then the feed’s button. Finish editing by pressing back.

Hiding the widget

If you do not plan to use any webcams to monitor your FarmBot, use the HIDE WEBCAM WIDGET toggle in the app settings area to remove the widget from the controls page.

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