The SENSORS widget allows you to manage FarmBot’s sensors and read them in real-time.

Creating sensors

To create a new sensor, press EDIT, and then the button. To define the sensor, provide a Label, choose a Pin #, and specify if the sensor is analog or digital. Alternatively, press STOCK SENSORS to add all of the standard FarmBot sensors.

Note that pin numbers are required and must be unique.

When finished editing, press SAVE.

Reading sensors

Manual readings

To manually read a sensor, press its READ SENSOR button. FarmBot will then read the sensor and display the value in the widget. Digital sensors will provide a value of either 0 or 1, while analog sensors will provide a value between 0 and 1023.

Historical readings

Use the SENSOR HISTORY widget to view sensor readings from the past. Optionally, you can filter by SENSOR, TIME PERIOD, and/or X, Y, and Z coordinates. The DEVIATION field can be used to filter within a range of locations around the specified coordinates.

To clear out all current filters, press CLEAR FILTERS.

Sequence based readings

You can also read sensors from sequences by using the READ SENSOR command. For more information, see the read sensor command documentation.

Deleting sensors

To delete a sensor, press edit and then the sensor’s button. Finish editing by pressing back.

Note that you cannot delete a sensor that is in-use by a sequence.