Manual Calibration

  1. Move FarmBot to the desired home position.
  2. Press the ZERO X, ZERO Y, and ZERO Z buttons in the Hardware widget on the Device page.

FarmBot will now set the chosen location as the origin (also known as Home, Zero, or (0, 0, 0)).

Automatic Calibration

Run an axis calibration to let FarmBot determine home and the length of the axis. Either endstops or encoders must be enabled in the hardware settings widget for an axis to be calibrated.

Use the CALIBRATE X, CALIBRATE Y, and CALIBRATE Z buttons in the hardware settings widget to home and calibrate the length of each axis.

Use the HOME X, HOME Y, and HOME Z buttons in the hardware settings widget to home each axis.

With rotary encoders (included in FarmBot Genesis kits)

FarmBot moves in the zero direction of the axis until the rotary encoders detect missed motor steps when the axis reaches the end. This location is recorded as zero for the axis. If performing calibration in addition to homing, FarmBot will move the opposite direction from zero and record the distance traveled (length of axis) when the other end is reached, and then move back home.

With end-stops (DIY option if not using rotary encoders)

FarmBot moves in the zero direction of the axis until the end-stop triggers when the axis reaches the end. This location is recorded as zero for the axis. If performing calibration in addition to homing, FarmBot will move the opposite direction from zero and record the distance traveled (length of axis) when the end-stop on the other end is reached, and then move back home.