View and layout your garden in a virtual representation of your FarmBot’s bed on this page.

Click a section in the image to learn more about it!

Add Plants

Add plants for your FarmBot to grow by pressing the + button and searching for a crop.

![add.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/add.png) ![tomato.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/tomato.png) Find the crop that you'd like in your garden and click it to bring up the crop information. ![cherry_tomato.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/cherry_tomato.png) Drag the crop image into the [map](#map) to place the crop in your garden. ![tomato_drag.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/tomato_drag.png) You now have a plant! ![new_tomato.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/new_tomato.png) # Move a plant To move a plant, simply drag the plant to a new location in the [map](#map). # Remove a plant If you'd like to delete a plant, click on it to bring up the plant information and press the `EDIT` button. ![edit.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/edit.png)

Press the DELETE button to remove the plant.

![editing.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/editing.png) # Map You can view all of your plants in the map, a virtual representation of the FarmBot bed. You can drag plants around to rearrange them. ![dc5db8f-map.png](/v3/Web-App/_images/map.png) # What's next? * [Farm Events](/v3/Web-App/farm-events.html)